As of December 31, 2021, the SCSC Roundtable has been terminated.

Search Results

445 Results Found

Glossary of Terms 14 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (CFR) PART 36 This regulation, titled "Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification," establishes noise standards for the civil aviation fleet. Certain extensions for compliance are included in the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979. 14 CFR PART 77 This regulation, titled "Safe, Efficient Use...

Approved at the March 27, 2019 Roundtable meeting Revised November 4, 2019 to correct an editing error (see redline text)

Links to Additional Resources Airplane Noise in the 18th Congressional District - Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo San Jose International Airport Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on South Flow Arrivals FAA Response to Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on South Flow Arrivals - May 20, 2019 Select Committee Report of the Select Committee on South Bay Arrivals -...

*** Correspondence Policy *** Correspondence received prior to 3:00 pm PDT on the Friday before the corresponding SCSC Roundtable meeting will be included in the correspondence section of the agenda packet. All other correspondence received after the 3:00 pm PDT deadline will be included with the agenda packet for the subsequent SCSC Roundtable meeting.

Technical Working Group Committee: Member Anita Enander (Committee Chair) Member Lydia Kou Member Liang Chao Legislative Committee: Member Lisa Matichak (Committee Chair) Member Glenn Hendricks Member Kathy Watanabe Ad Hoc Committee: Chairperson Mary-Lynne Bernald Member Glenn Hendricks Member Kathy Watanabe

Steve Alverson | Facilitator, Technical Support With over 38 years of aviation noise analyses and control experience, Steve Alverson is one of the nation's leading experts in aircraft noise.  Steve serves as the Facilitator/Projects Manager for the Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Airport/Community Roundtable contract.  He assisted the Roundtable with the establishment of it's Work Program and...

When the Federal Aviation System (FAA) instituted the Next Generation Aircraft Transportation System (Next Gen), people noticed. Imagine planes arriving on a railroad track. Communities who previously were not affected by plane arrivals and departures were now inundated with noise and vibrations. No venue existed for the community to talk to the FAA.   Two...

Thank you for contacting the SC|SC Roundtable. Please be assured that your communication will be reviewed by the appropriate person. Citizen/resident communications will be distributed to SC|SC Roundtable Members. All comments and correspondence received in relation to a specific Roundtable meeting and agenda item  must be received by 3:00 pm PT on the Friday before...

2021 Membership as appointed by their respective jurisdictions. Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the Roundtable Membership. Cupertino Member:  Hon. Liang Chao Alternate: Hon. Hung Wei Los Altos Member:  Hon. Anita Enander, Vice Chair Alternate: Los Altos Hills Member: Hon. Stan Mok Alternate: Hon. Lisa Schmidt Mountain View Member: Hon. Alison Hicks Alternate: Hon....

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